Sunday 22 March 2015

Legenderry: Vampirella #4 solicitation

Here's an eye-catcher from the Steampunk version of Vampirella currently being published by Dynamite:
Legenderry #4 (of 5) 
Writer: David Avallone 
Art: David Cabrera
Page Count: 32 pages 
Moreau makes a monster, Kurtz stirs the masses, and Toomey gets lucky in the most unlucky way possible. Vampirella kisses a boy, storms the Council and fights a Bat-Man
Sex, violence, and everyone is wearing goggles for some reason.
That's written kind of strangely...Here's the cover:

When Dynamite published the first volume of Legenderry recently, warping a number of their current characters into Steampunk versions, I was curious as to The Black Bat would get the same treatment. I envisioned someone with artifical steampunk "technology" eyes. Does that make any sense? Probably not, but I'm not the writer so it's not my problem. ;-)

But it was not to be. There were steampunk versions of The Green Hornet, Flash Gordon, Red Sonja...But no Bat.

Until now. Well...Until May 2015, rather. Here's an excerpt from a Bleeding Cool interview with Legenderry: Vampirella writer David Avallone:
BB: Tell us more about this “Bat-Man” that Vampi meets this issue, if you dare! 
DA: The idea came organically (no pun intended): I’ve got Doctor Moreau as one of my villains. In the Wells book and our series, he creates human-animal hybrids. Well, how would a human/vampire (human/Draculon) hybrid turn out? It seemed like an opportunity to engage in a little cheap satire of certain famous caped crusaders. Additionally… as established by Bill Willingham, the Legenderry universe tries to bring all the Dynamite characters together in one continuum, so this is my twisted steampulp version of the Black Bat.
Hmmm...Not quite what I had in mind. I was thinking more of a Victorian era style of Black Bat, not a half-vampire creature like DC Comics' Man-Bat or Marvel's Morbius. We'll keep an ear to the ground but right at the moment there is little cause for optimism. Let's see what comes out of it.

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