Invariably, I fail to find anything particularly noteworthy, but on occasion I stumble into another gem. Such was the case yesterday when I came across a website for Skedaddle Press.

Skedaddle indeed plans on publishing new Black Bat material in comic form but probably not until next year. It will be a traditional version, faithful to the source material.
At the moment however, they are preparing to publish food magazines and directing their attention towards the karepax project which combines comics with snacks (a marriage made in heaven if I've ever heard one!)
Skedaddle has already prepared a compilation of origin stories of a number of PD characters. The goal is to group those characters together under the name The Security Guild in future releases.
Even a quick glance at Skedaddle's website reveals a clear appreciation for pulp and public domain characters so Quinn and his entourage appear to be in good hands here. We'll track the project's progress and wish the creators all the best with their various plans.
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