Sunday 11 January 2015

Domino Lady: Blondes in Chains

Well here's a lucky break. Amazon offers one of the short stories from Moonstone's "Domino Lady: Sex as a Weapon" prose anthology (in Kindle format) and it just so happens to be the one guest-starring The Black Bat.

Illustration by Ver Curtiss
Decades before Wonder Woman and Charlie's Angels, pulp fiction's sultry Domino Lady intrigued and enchanted and then disabled and destroyed evildoers in her vengeful quest for justice as she dismantled political machines and exposed corruption in the courts and in the Capitol.

"Blondes in Chains" (7,300 words)

Domino Lady partners with another hero—New York’s former D.A. Anthony Quinn, who secretly operates as the Black Bat. Together they thwart members of the criminal underworld of NYC as well as some apparent pillars of the community and also solve the case of the enslaved missing blondes.
Once again, the story was written by CJ Henderson. Henderson also wrote the recently-mentioned "To Battle Beyond" and "Battle for L.A.", both of which include The Black Bat.

Perhaps it's a matter of having just read To Battle Beyond, but it actually feels like this story takes place a short time after that book. Domino Lady and The Bat seem familiar with one another but I'm only a few pages into it so I may find that's not actually the case.

Either way, for about a buck, you can purchase that one story if you're more of a Black Bat fan than a Domino Lady one.

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