Monday 9 September 2019

The Black Bat is an Amazing Hero!

We knew this of course, but it turns out that he has been officially given that label by Fresh Monkey Fiction. FMF has included the Black Bat in their third wave of 4.5" plastic action figures.

While the pre-order period will only last another week or so, I shall post the link here anyway. I believe whatever number of figures are left will then move to the general store page at some point.

Anyway, let's have a look...

I know to expect these to be a little plain but I wish they'd have included a belt, holster...hell, footwear, even! It's clear that they based themselves entirely on cover images and no part of the character description within the stories themselves.

On that basis, I understand the lack of gloves, of a full face mask (or "hood") and so on.

The unfortunate thing is that the guns in the image of the action figure are "for display purposes only" and are not included with the package. I also wish that the scarring around the eyes had been added to make the figurine a bit more distinctive (and, frankly, authentic).

Nevertheless, I'm glad that the Black Bat made the line-up. I've known of Fresh Monkey Fiction for some time and even considered suggesting to them that they create a Black Bat action figure at some point but decided against it thinking that the character was not flashy enough for them. They seemed to prefer more colourful types like Silver Streak and the American Crusader. I'm pleased to have been incorrect on all counts.

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